Ah, the writers. These are the guys and gals who send in articles.
Some of 'em are staff writers, some of 'em are guests, and at least
one of 'em is Randall. Read on, brave surfer.
Amtgard Communication
[06/24/2015] [Randall] There are several things a person can do to make their communication more successful.
Doing Facebook Better
[05/08/2015] [Randall] A few thoughts on Facebook, Monkey business, and what we need to improve.
Strength Matters
[03/19/2015] [Randall] In Amtgard combat, strength is an advantage for both men and women--and it's insurmountably more important for women.
Kingdom Level
[03/02/2015] [Randall] It's important for expectations to match reality.
Archery Drills
[10/22/2014] [Quiet] Archers must practice constantly to maintain their accuracy.
Regarding Companies
[06/24/2014] [Pumyra] Joining a company is one of the most awesome and important things you can do in life, let alone in Amtgard.
[05/20/2014] [Jester] Communicate and calibrate.
Armor is Cool
[05/14/2014] [Randall] “We use light swords” is not an argument to allow unrealistic armor.
Awards: Too easy?
[02/13/2014] [Randall] Top awards should be for top performance, but does that always happen?
V8 is Amtgard
[01/23/2014] [Randall] There is only one word in existence that sums up V8.
Skill Gap
[01/03/2014] [Randall] It's important to learn how to address skill gap at your park.
V8: A Skeptic's Journey
[08/30/2013] [Korderellin] What had initially seemed like drastic changes really hadn't done anything to the core of the Amtgard experience.
On Wizards and Staffs
[07/11/2013] [Roger] The staff has been at times mocked, but it isn't exactly a useless weapon.
Running a Kick-Ass Event
[07/01/2013] [Okami Cio Cio] The more you're prepared, the better you'll be able to deal with the challenges.
Cleaner, not Harder
[06/27/2013] [Bowen] Sloughers are bad, but ramping up your blow strength is not the right answer.
Duties to Squires
[11/29/2012] [Michael] These are the duties I feel I owe my squires.
A Time for Choosing
[10/01/2012] [Randall] Going forward, Amtgard should protect its members and itself.
Brennon asks Bangor the Riddle of Change
[07/18/2012] [Bangor] For Bangor, this is a question of how roleplay is affected, if any requirements or system features are missing, and is most importantly - it larpable?
Knighthood, Beyond an Award
[01/25/2012] [Medryn] "Be the change you want to see" is a phrase that has recently become popular in the Amtgard lexicon, and this is what I call you to do.
Amtgard in Croatia
[11/22/2011] [Eques] I was expecting something along the lines of Knoblander. I was sorta right, and entirely unprepared.
Representing Amtgard
[11/04/2011] [Lurker] Stomping out the perceived dregs will not improve Amtgard.
[10/31/2011] [Okami Cio Cio] While you're in office, you're in politics. What's important is to remember that you're a good politician.
Inauthentic Armor
[07/18/2011] [Trieste] Why should armor weigh close to historical standards to receive full value? We're certainly not using it to ward off weapons that weigh close to historical standards
Of Chains and Rules
[05/10/2011] [Randall] Is it okay to allow exceptions to the rules? Is it smart to even have rules?
Amtgard Politics 101
[04/22/2011] [Kaadiart] If you got rid of politics, a minority of the people would be upset.
Crown Quals on a Budget
[04/07/2011] [Egil Njalsson] Crown Quals is a place to show off your talents rather than your bank account.
Amtgard Fitness
[03/29/2011] [Glen] A journey of discovery into the world of fitness and body measurement devices.
Thoughts on Knighthood
[03/25/2011] [Grimbold] Let’s hold the idea of knighthood to a higher standard, making those who strive for it have to achieve more before they are granted the belt.
Rules Are Rules
[03/23/2011] [Delphos] Wouldn't it be so nice to just blindly follow rules?
Amtgard Parenting Thoughts
[09/10/2010] [Okami Cio Cio] I know that my Amtgard experience is enriched by my family. I hope yours can as well.
Battlefield Cowardess
[08/05/2010] [Sutra] Along with the brave and noble characters of myth and legend, so do exist their antitheses.
Rekindling the Spark
[08/02/2010] [Evan Tranginoire] Chances are that you or someone you know has been affected by apathy.
Amtgard Language
[02/10/2010] [Randall] With just a few small changes, we can change the game.
Peripheral Amtgarders (and A&S)
[01/04/2010] [Randall] If you host a regular A&S, make a point to invite your peripherals. If you don't have one, start one.
Get Some Class!
[05/22/2009] [Judas] There are three principal reasons to choose a class to play.
Talk versus Walk
[01/10/2009] [Bowen] Bring about a change and find your enjoyment through, not only your deeds, but the enjoyment others get from those deeds.
Challenges to the Game
[11/21/2008] [Brennon and Flare] Amtgard has many positives in its favor, but it also possesses fundamental challenges in critical areas.
How To Give Awards
[10/09/2008] [Okami Cio Cio] Your peace of mind - and the people you're wanting to see properly recognized.
Anyone Can Judge
[09/04/2008] [Okami Cio Cio] There are many challenges the novice judge runs into.
Most Lefties Suck
[07/10/2008] [Glen] Let's remedy the epidemic of craptastic Lefties slaughtering mediocre Righties.
Those Things That Count
[06/30/2008] [Guy] Memories and relationships will carry you farther than any individual achievement or glory.
Ostracism the Just
[05/23/2008] [Randall] A viking election consisted of drowning the old king in a river. We are more like the Athenians.
Amtgard Cavemen
[05/19/2008] [Randall] I'd like to say that it's so easy that a caveman could do it, but it's really the other way around.
Building Your Flower Garden
[04/22/2008] [Harold] I am by no means the all-knowing guru of service, but I do know a few little tricks to get noticed.
The Best
[01/19/2008] [William] I don't consider how to make a foam plug a super-duper, double-plus-secret secret.
Amtgard Thanksgiving
[11/27/2007] [Randall] This article would've been something great to write last week.
Evolution of a Game
[09/28/2007] [Kurse] If we are to grow as a society, we must nurture the positives in our membership.
Fighting Burnout
[07/31/2007] [Micah] Burnout can be a very dangerous thing for a growing park.
Circle of Almost Monarchs
[07/18/2007] [Randall] If we want to be Amtgard, empowering and trusting the Circle of Monarchs is the way.
The End of Archery?
[07/11/2007] [Ethan] Amtgard archery can be perfectly safe and a fun part of the game.
What's In a Name?
[07/09/2007] [Tanath] There are 139 references to Shadow on the ORK, 27 of which are just “Shadow.” Is there something we can do about this?
Sometimes in Winter
[02/27/2007] [Ursus Bear] With care and a bit of coddling, winter attendance can flourish just as well as any other.
A Point to Roleplaying
[02/21/2007] [Styx] The game is moving towards being a sport because people want to have goals they can reach.
Handling Death
[02/20/2007] [Glen] Proper handling of death in Amtgard can do a great deal to facilitate role-play.
What Ails Amtgard?
[02/19/2007] [Roger] In overcoming our obstacles, did we lose the drive to keep us going?
Spearweasel Was Right
[12/19/2006] [Randall] Everyone in the game seems to be assigned into two categories - stick jocks and flurbs.
A Message to Veterans
[09/25/2006] [Tanath] The next time some 15-year-old kid backstabs you, you should smile.
Strategic Spellcasting 101
[09/12/2006] [Khanar] One of the most common problems on the field is the lack of the proper magic at the proper time.
Monster Crafting Tips
[09/10/2006] [Matthias] Once you get the hang of it, making a monster never before seen in Amtgardia can be as fun as actually playing it.
Cover Story
[09/09/2006] [Ascolis Wyldfire] Maybe we should be looking to ban a different type of cover.
Let us be Flurby
[09/08/2006] [Raven] Would it hurt for any kingdom to do a little role-playing? Give ‘em the option!
Effective Amt-Sites
[09/07/2006] [Ursus] Nothing kills a group like contact information for a Monarch that hasn't played in three years.
E-Samurai Interview: Sponge
[05/18/2006] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer soaks up this guy's story like a. . . uh, like a thing that you use to soak things up. That thing with holes.
A Successful Battlegame
[05/17/2006] [Brennon] You can craft and run battlegames that are fun for newbies and old ditch monkies alike.
Hatred of the New
[04/15/2006] [Matthias] Consider whether you are letting personal taste cloud your judgment.
Of Rats and Sinking Ships
[04/03/2006] [Randall] It’d be so much easier to just let the damn thing sink and go home. But there are reasons not to.
Cross-Country Beltlines
[04/03/2006] [Arminius] Keeping your own beltline strong keeps the entire belted system strong.
[03/02/2006] [Some Tennessee Guy] Apathy will destroy the game that we all love.
Honor in Jugging
[03/01/2006] [Calidran] The odds are simply not in a reeve’s favor when trying to adjudicate a jugging match.
[02/02/2006] [Randall] Winning elections is easy if you know how.
To Flurb or Not to Flurb
[01/25/2006] [Fenrix] Whether 'tis nobler in the game to suffer the slings and arrows or outrageous stick-jocks. . . or to simply be in a park in a weird costume about to get attacked by one of your friends wearing face paint and carrying a foam stick.
Election Patterns
[01/09/2006] [Randall] Is the champion-as-heir pattern a permanent fixture in the Kingdom of Dragonspine?
Leadership in Amtgard
[06/20/2005] [Lord Muerte] Leadership is an easy thing to define. Much harder is defining the exact qualities of a good leader.
E-Samurai Articles
[06/09/2005] [Roger] It had seemed to me that the rate of articles in e-Sam had been down of late.
E-Samurai Interview: Talisin
[06/07/2005] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer has some very strange questions for the tyrant of the Iron Mountains.
Autopsy of a Quest
[05/19/2005] [Corbin] Three long hours of confusion, frustration, and consternation when the game is finally called.
Bad Becoming Normal
[05/09/2005] [Rewth] Have we degraded certain aspects of our game while not noticing it?
The Grind
[01/25/2005] [Randall] Sometimes things stop being fun and start being work.
Balthizar Resigns
[01/19/2005] [News] Goldenvale examines their corpora to see what to do.
Public Access Amtgard
[01/13/2005] [Glen] In the 1920's radio became a big hit. We have Redhawk Radio. In the 1990's the Internet became a big hit. We have E-Samurai. We seem to have missed one of the big communication revolutions though: Television. So now I give you Public Access Amtgard.
Flavor and Usefulness
[01/12/2005] [Michael] I have been thinking hard about the place of the Arts and Sciences in Amtgard.
7.0 Confirmed
[01/10/2005] [News] The new rulebook will take effect officially midnight March 31st.
Too Many Events
[01/07/2005] [jewishjedi] We have more going on than can be handled.
Persona Lite II
[01/05/2005] [Drilillithon] It’s not hard to be in character if the character is simple but still believable.
Be Happy
[01/04/2005] [Jynx] If you aren't happy with what you're doing in Amtgard, do something else.
The Year in Review III
[12/31/2004] [Randall] We wished for a good year for Amtgard and that’s exactly what we got.
Ask the Monarchs
[12/30/2004] [Randall] Four questions for all the kings and queens of Amtgard.
Persona Lite
[12/29/2004] [Drilillithon] We are already roleplaying.
Amtgard's Unsung Heroes
[12/28/2004] [Bayushi Mano] You may have never heard of them. They may never make the top ten list.
Clan 2005
[12/27/2004] [News] The Burning Lands is looking to involve those interested in creating a better event.
The Scrooges of Amtgard
[12/24/2004] [Matthias] The more you tell someone that they're not good enough, the more they will believe it.
Lord Minimus
[12/22/2004] [Arminius] If you want title standardization, don’t give a space holder one.
Things I've Learned
[12/21/2004] [Kuma the Painted] I never wanted to become one of the heavy-duty flurbs.
Nobody Sluffs
[12/20/2004] [Randall] This article isn’t late. You have to take it.
The Ideal
[12/18/2004] [Sir Angrist] I cringe when people tell me they want to be a knight so they can play Paladin.
My First Vigil
[12/16/2004] [Arminius] There is no better way to salute a new knight than by having a vigil.
E-Samurai Interview: Sanchez
[12/15/2004] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer goes to Goldenvale and comes away with a Knight of the Sword interview.
Armor Revision
[12/14/2004] [Drilillithon] The armor rules have stayed fundamentally the same while the rest of Amtgard moves forward into the future.
Qualify It
[12/11/2004] [Randall] If you’re qualified for a belt, you should be fit to be a knight.
The Shrinking Amtgard
[12/06/2004] [Arminius] Without our internet tools, we would be playing in the dark ages.
7th Edition Released
[11/21/2004] [News] Download it, playtest it, tell your monarch what you think about it.
Rules Review
[11/08/2004] [Randall] The 7th edition is a fine offering.
6.5 Released
[10/11/2004] [News] This is the most recent copy of the rulebook. Post feedback.
Amtgard Travel
[08/30/2004] [Dalos] Make Amtgard travel cheaper, safer, and more enjoyable.
Do Something
[07/19/2004] [Randall] You don’t need permission to make Amtgard better.
Keeping it Fresh
[06/30/2004] [Luke Wyngarde] Are regular local days just no fun anymore?
Why Jugging?
[05/27/2004] [Franchesca] I'm going to try my hand at this sport.
RedHawk Radio
[05/12/2004] [Larin] Thinking back on the shit we've pulled on the air always makes me smile.
Origins of the Flurb
[05/10/2004] [Randall] The whole story, from flurby beginnings to the modern day.
Why Amtgard?
[04/27/2004] [Arminius] Remind yourself why you have stuck with Amtgard these long years.
Combat Arrows
[04/04/2004] [Thorne] These are instructions to make Amtgard legal combat arrows.
Rising Winds Crime Policy
[03/03/2004] [News] The Rising Winds will pay you if you turn in Amtgarders who you believe have committed crimes.
Horoscope: Pisces
[02/24/2004] [Sage] Pisces is the realm of mutable water, ocean, where things are constantly changing.
Specialist Spellcasters
[02/15/2004] [Luke Wyngarde] I couldn’t comprehend how the few classes allowed a player could encompass the full range of fantasy professions.
Dear Brennon and Arthon
[02/02/2004] [Brennon and Arthon] I was made the champion in my park and any help would be appreciated.
A Time To Kill
[01/28/2004] [Arthon] I shall stand alone on that mountaintop and know that I have conquered all.
Horoscope: The January Forecast
[01/25/2004] [Sage] The following is a reading of the New Moon chart that applies to all of us, no matter what sign the Sun was in at birth.
Spellcasting 101
[01/22/2004] [Luke Wyngarde] Magic is the foundation upon which all fantasy is built.
Politicians in Amtgard
[09/30/2003] [Lukor] Take your Amtgard group back from the politicians who snuck in during the night and stole your voice.
Amtgard Quiddich
[09/18/2003] [Orlando, Medryn and Zumat] The flurbiest game in Amtgard -- and one of the most fun.
Northern Expectations
[08/28/2003] [Arminius] I cannot help but wonder what sort of things will be different in Amtgard's northern frontier.
Goldenvale Stabbing
[08/25/2003] [News] An Amtgarder stabbed another Amtgarder with a decorative sword. The Goldenvale Duchy of the Crystal Groves is seeking his explusion from the game.
Goldenvale Standardizes Awards
[08/20/2003] [News] A recent Goldenvale Althing brings awards into line with the rest of Amtgard but regresses on weapon safety.
Horoscope: The August Forecast
[08/12/2003] [Sage] Any changes begun last month, especially on the home front, will continue driving right on ahead through August.
E-Samurai Interview: Galen
[08/11/2003] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer tracks down the rare and elusive Grand Duchess of the South . . . the last of her kind.
Atomic Clock is a Crutch
[07/31/2003] [Rufio] I gleefully continue my pursuit towards excellent fighting with my superior rules.
Outside the Comfort Zone
[07/28/2003] [Andrew Campbell] If the Wetlands had never become a kingdom, wouldn’t Amtgard as a whole be lessened?
Worst Clan Ever
[07/28/2003] [Sir Feral Lynn] Essentially we paid Burning Lands for the right to gather and hold our own event.
Goldenvale and Olympiad
[07/23/2003] [jewishjedi] Hold Olympiad at Great Eastern and leave Great Eastern where it is.
Remove Your Officers
[07/16/2003] [Randall] Without accountability, the dictators in charge can do whatever they want.
Battle of the Dens 6
[07/14/2003] [Greywind] I can't believe how much BotD has changed through the six years we have been holding it.
'Rakis 2003: Cultural Olympiad Results
[07/03/2003] [News] The top ten winners of the cultural side of Olympiad, with lists of individual scores in each category. Includes a link to the complete Excel spreadsheet containing judges' scores.
'Rakis 2003: War Olympian Results
[07/01/2003] [News] A complete breakdown of placings and individual points, showing the results for the top twenty fighters in the Olympiad tourney.
'Rakis Problems Settled
[06/30/2003] [News] Emperor Michael and the Iron Mountains Circle of Knights bring 'Rakis 2003 one step closer to closure.
Lessons From a Paragon
[06/29/2003] [Jabberwock Pentacles] This article is an attempt to share lessons with those unlucky enough to have never had Sir Michael Hammer of God as their knight.
Amtgard Baseball
[06/01/2003] [Baked Potato] It was the most fun twenty minutes of the day.
A Lack of Standards
[05/27/2003] [Randall] Jearden made the right decision in the Wetlands, but the problem is bigger than one kingdom.
Banning Sir Jamus
[05/20/2003] [Randall] VSR has acted with good intentions, but their good intentions are laying the foundation for bad precedents.
Clan Site Found
[05/18/2003] [News] Clan will be held on July 24-27 at a new site outside of Ruidoso, New Mexico.
King Arion Dissolves Tir a Sol
[05/13/2003] [News] Voting irregularities led to the abolishment of the Celestial Kingdom split; talks are taking place to voluntarily end the Grand Duchy of the South.
1000 Stars
[05/13/2003] [Malek Marlschev] This was the 4th year of the event and it was just as much fun as last year.
SKBC Drill Book
[05/08/2003] [Michael] Drills, exercises, and tricks to become a better fighter. Learn what was taught at Sword Knight Boot Camp.
Spatial Awareness
[05/08/2003] [jewishjedi] One of the keys to surviving on the battlefield is to have a good sense of spatial awareness.
E-Samurai Interview: Lukor
[05/06/2003] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer bravely exchanges words with infamous 'net legend Sir Lukor the Lush, unofficial champion of the Mystic Seas.
What's In a Name?
[05/05/2003] [Arminius] Dagorhir is willing to cooperate, yet the BLBOD seems to not want to do the same.
Feast of Fools
[04/30/2003] [Lord Muerte] The event was a rousing success. Lord willing, I'll be back again next year.
Of course, he threatened me...
[04/21/2003] [Glen] If you are making threats to another player, the best advice I can give you is to shut your pie hole.
Amtgard Football
[04/18/2003] [Dalos] The object of Amtgard-rules football, a full-class battlegame, is to score ten goals.
Fixing the Wizard
[04/17/2003] [Matthias] I conclude that the Wizard is unbalanced as written.
6.1 Scout
[03/31/2003] [Randall] Minus my pet peeves and suggestions, all it really needs is an editor.
E-Samurai Interview: Moonshadow
[03/04/2003] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer phases in like an agent from the Matrix so he can learn the secrets of King Moonshadow of the Golden Plains.
stick jock:
[02/24/2003] [Zumat] All of Zumat's 'Stick Jock' nuggets of wisdom.
Geographic Nationalism
[02/18/2003] [Sir Angrist] The time has come for grouping by geography to become the way we handle kingdoms being made.
A Lesson Learned
[02/10/2003] [Isoroku Masaru] It is a credit to King Goliath that he acted decisively and quickly.
Goliath's Dilemma
[02/03/2003] [Randall] The Kingdom of Goldenvale is in violation of its contract, its Corpora, and its duty to act in a manner befitting a kingdom of Amtgard. What will King Goliath do?
Coup in Goldenvale
[02/02/2003] [News] King Goliath reverses the results of Goldenvale's crown quals.
E-Samurai Interview: Hawk
[01/31/2003] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer tracks down Sir Hawk, a hard-to-find former king from the Valley of the Silver Rains and the most infamous four-belted knight in Amtgard.
E-Samurai Interview: Trelath
[01/29/2003] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer askes questions better left unanswered when he interrogates the disturbingly-named Sir Trelath Mourningwood.
One City, One Land!
[01/28/2003] [Randall] Or is it? Let's take a look at some other split cities that aren't getting the Alamogordo treatment.
Game Balance in Amtgard
[01/05/2003] [jewishjedi] All of the class groups in Amtgard are fairly well-balanced when we look at the big picture
Reconciling Persona and Class
[01/05/2003] [Yamamoto “Spearweasel” Kansuke] A creative player can certainly find what he is looking for without having to alter the balance of play.
The Year in Review
[12/31/2002] [Randall] Here are the things we’ll remember when we look back on 2002.
The Accident
[12/31/2002] [News] An article by editor Todd Wildermuth of the Raton Range tells what happened on December 27th, 2002.
Ten Things to Bring
[12/17/2002] [Vigus] You should be able to maximize your pleasure while minimizing your beer loss.
Knightly Quotas
[12/16/2002] [Randall] Knighthood is too complex, and the kingdoms too unique, to lay down numbers, rules, or hard guidelines.
Mystic Seas Update
[12/16/2002] [News] The Mystic Seas continues to crumble, but one critical group votes to stay.
The Art of Reeving
[12/10/2002] [Glen] Being a reeve places a tremendous burden of responsibility upon a person.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
[12/09/2002] [Yamamoto “Spearweasel” Kansuke] How do we lure the RP Weenies and the Stick Jocks into the same imaginary place?
Hothouse Flowers and Weeds
[12/05/2002] [Yamamoto “Spearweasel” Kansuke] No matter how jockey the stick jocks, they were still geeky enough to get roped into a boffer LARP.
Amtgard is Not a LARP
[12/03/2002] [Quintus] Just in case you still don't get it... Amtgard is not a LARP.
Sum of its Parts
[12/03/2002] [jewishjedi] Is Amtgard a LARP, a sport, or a medieval reenactment group?
It's the Foam, Stupid
[12/02/2002] [Randall] Unless you’re showing up to the park, you’re not playing Amtgard.
The Flurbs of Summer
[12/02/2002] [Sir Angrist] The newbies are going to be the leaders when I'm gone, and I treat them with the respect they deserve.
Different Fighting Styles
[11/29/2002] [Brennon] A simple breakdown of the most common fighting styles and where they fit into the grand scheme of Amtgard fighting.
Magic in Amtgard
[11/25/2002] [jewishjedi] Go read those extra thirty pages at the end of the rulebook.
The Shoe On The Other Foot?
[11/21/2002] [Corum Hibernius] Will anyone say they are sorry for the jimmy-jack, headshot, full-swing action? Probably not.
E-Samurai Interview: Spyn
[11/18/2002] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer incredulously records the story of Sir Spyn, the cocky Wetlands Rogue who hasn't let anything -- even nearly dying from Amtgard injuries -- slow him down.
The Tale of Lord Gimpyknees
[11/16/2002] [Corum Hibernius] What used to take nearly a week to recover from is now cut down to a few days.
10 Steps to Not Getting Knighted
[11/13/2002] [Randall] Knighthood isn’t for everybody, and if it’s not for you, try any of these ten easy steps to avoiding a white belt.
Sir Forest Justicar
[10/21/2002] [Randall] An intrepid e-Samurai photographer catches the heretic knight by surprise.
The Emerald Hills is Wrong
[10/21/2002] [Randall] Impose a puritanical tyranny on the masses if you wish, but don't pretend you're doing it to save women.
A Farewell to Arms
[10/17/2002] [Arthon] My first year, that magical year, will haunt my every waking step as a constant reminder of the flurb that I was.
When We Were Flurbs
[10/17/2002] [Randall] We were all flurbs. If we weren’t, we wouldn't have loved the game so much that we stuck with it.
E-Samurai Interview: Crosser
[10/16/2002] [The Interviewer] The Interview trecks into the backwoods of Amtgard to find the wisdom of an old knight when he puts Sir Crosser in the hot seat.
The Power of the Throne
[10/08/2002] [Randall] "Any king who is happy to be stepping down failed," I told my friends. I was wrong.
First Thoughts
[09/30/2002] [e-Samurai Editors] 6.1 will be a great unifying force for our club if the 6.1 committee is willing to listen to the concerns of Amtgard.
Wetlands Updates and More
[09/30/2002] [News] The Wetlands has been accepted and Amtgard Combat is back, plus news from Forest Evergreen and the folks at Redhawk Radio.
Knighting by the Numbers
[09/30/2002] [Yoni Hamagid] Numbers are the only thing that matters in choosing who to knight, but not the numbers you think.
Different Warlords
[09/18/2002] [Michael] It is interesting to know how others Amtgarders evaluate their best fighters.
Rules Rape 6.1
[09/16/2002] [Randall] It doesn’t take nine years to revise the rules, but that’s just enough time to hack them apart, completely rewrite them, and use them as a political weapon.
Keeping up Appearances
[09/12/2002] [Arcana Le Elfriche] Honor is not always about taking your shots. Sometimes it's doing the dirty work that no one else wants to do.
The Essential e-Samurai
[09/09/2002] [Randall] You spoke. The Electric Samurai listened. Now we'll tell you exactly what you're like based on your answers in the e-Samurai polls.
A (Different) View on Goldenvale
[09/04/2002] [Baronet Greywind] We understand that friends and fun come above awards, and that hard work should be rewarded. We learned this from Goldenvale.
Review: Feast of the Dead
[09/03/2002] [jewishjedi] I just wish the weekend hadn’t been so short. Oh well, there’s always next year.
Top Ten Most Famous Amtgarders
[09/03/2002] [Randall] E-Samurai presents the Top Ten Most Well-Known Amtgarders, plus a few extra famous guys as a bonus treat.
E-Samurai Interview: Glenalth
[08/28/2002] [The Interviewer] " evolved from me making Dolphin noises, which I can't do anymore." The Interviewer encounters true strangeness when he examines Glenalth.
Clan XX Monarch's Meeting
[08/28/2002] [News] The Circle of Monarchs approved the minutes of their informal Clan meeting and released them to the public.
A View on Goldenvale
[08/28/2002] [The Amtgard Traveler] Goldenvale has no concept of what makes someone deserving.
Alternate Classes
[08/23/2002] [Quintus] Evolution of the game, or crutch for the non-creative?
The IKBOD is Dead
[08/23/2002] [Moonshadow] I can only hope that we evolve into the game we should have been 5 years ago.
King Apathy
[08/22/2002] [Belgarion] Apathy rules Amtgard and I hope you enjoy it because he is King for Life.
The Middle of the Road
[08/20/2002] [The Isolated Knight] I think I understand the stick-jock mentality as much as I understand the roleplayer mentality... both sides of the same game that have their own merits.
Chains of Fealty
[08/05/2002] [Randall] To whom does a knight owe fealty – to the king, or to the kingdom?
Come to Neverwinter
[08/05/2002] [OriGami KiriGami] Neverwinter is a different kingdom than most.
What's a Vigil?
[07/30/2002] [Snicker Furfoot] At Clan 2002, I was blessed by my Kingdom and Circle of Knights with one of the highest honours in Amtgard - Knighthood. I thought I would share my experiences with something few Kingdoms know about, and even fewer do: The Knighting Vigil.
An Unfortunate Trend
[07/25/2002] [The Isolated Knight] I refuse to be an unpaid baby-sitter for someone's little snot buckets.
Cullum's Clan Prophecies
[07/24/2002] [Cullum] I was reading through the quatraines of Nostradamus and was struck by the number of them that seemed to be relevant to current Amtgard events.
Ditching Sucks
[07/18/2002] [Sir Feral Lynn] There is far more to Amtgard than ditching.
One Ring
[07/08/2002] [Randall] There is evil in this game, but it can be defeated.
[07/01/2002] [Lady Aramis of Oceana] Allowing baronies and duchies to have sublands creates a win-win situation.
Forest Fires
[06/26/2002] [Randall] There's smoke in the skies.
E-Samurai Interview: Trent
[06/25/2002] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer snares Sir Trent Longwalker of Dragonspine, the prettiest bishonen fighter in all of Amtgard.
E-Samurai Interview: Chekers
[06/11/2002] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer drifts dangerously close to controversy when he espies Squire Chekers, Champion of Pegasus Valley in the Kingdom of Dragonspine.
Take Off Your White Belt
[06/11/2002] [Randall] A simple game of ‘Newbie Monk or Crappy Knight’ can keep you occupied for hours.
House Chiurgeon
[05/27/2002] [Malek Marlschev] If there is an injury and the chiurgeon is called for, there is a new household on the block.
Titles in Amtgard
[05/15/2002] [Bear] What does a title really do for you? Oh yeah, you can have lots of pages.
Reeving - Spirit and Intent
[05/14/2002] [Count D'alle de Salle'] As a Reeve you are expected to enforce the rules, tempered with reason.
Against Single-Seat Kingdoms
[05/13/2002] [The Isolated Knight] Wouldn't it be easier for a kingdom to be made up of several lands where everyone gets to vote for offices?
Representing Amtgard
[05/06/2002] [Arcana Le Elfriche] People should be smart enough to know how to act in public.
Quote of the Day
[05/03/2002] [Randall] Will your kingdom be the next random victim of the Burning Lands BOD? You may think not... but let's ask Aramithris, President of the BLBOD, just to make sure!
The Art of Amtgard Warfare
[05/01/2002] [Chekers] If you cry like a little bitch every time you get hit, then eventually you will die from a brain hemorrhage caused by being a pussy and getting yelled at a lot for being a pussy.
E-Samurai Interview: Willow
[04/30/2002] [The Interviewer] The Interviewer fixes his eye on Countess Dame Willow Dreammaker, the Prime Minister of Goldenvale and one of its newest (and prettiest) knights.
A Fundamental Flaw
[04/30/2002] [Randall] Try to remember the last time anybody thanked you.
The BLBOD is Not Government
[04/11/2002] [Corbin] We are gamers and we love to make rules, but we must temper our urges to elaborate and focus our efforts on the simplest path forward.
Crisis in the Wetlands
[04/10/2002] [News] Dragonspine and the Iron Mountains recognize the Wetlands and call for interkingdom government.
Greater Than His Institutions
[04/10/2002] [Aramithris] Only a tyrant would attempt to force "the law" upon an unwilling person, and only a coward would submit to such treatment.
No More!
[04/10/2002] [Corbin] It is unfortunate that we have come to this point, but you leave us no alternative.
Go to Clan
[04/10/2002] [Randall] The hopes and dreams of your youth await you there.
Another Fine Mess
[04/10/2002] [The Isolated Knight] "Well, Ollie, this is ANOTHER fine mess you've gotten us into."
Supreme Executive Authority
[04/03/2002] [Randall] Power to the People fans may wish to brace themselves -- I am about to say something bad.
Sword Safety
[04/01/2002] [Bear] Are we letting people get away with too much?
Board of Discrepancies
[03/27/2002] [The Isolated Knight] The BOD has a helluva lot of power, I give them that. But only as much power as we allow them to have.
A Time for Revision
[03/18/2002] [The Isolated Knight] While I understand the Burning Lands position, I find it hard to swallow.
Black vs. White
[03/14/2002] [Bear] What about all the people who end up being gray? You know, the ones on both sides of the fence?
On Being Neutral
[03/07/2002] [Sir Feral Lynn] Burning Lands has to have at least one friend; otherwise I’d start to feel sorry for them. But let’s not kid ourselves about where everyone stands.
Dear Editors (or Whoever)
[02/17/2002] [Mim] I'm not real interested in "fame, fortune, and your name in big, black, -1 font size letters" and I'm definitely NOT interested in "Wild Women", but...
Curious Little Marks
[02/17/2002] [Randall] By now, we’ve all learned the proper response to complaints of any sort of injury. It’s a contact sport.
The Book of Five (Belt) Rings
[01/30/2002] [Cullum] There are many people who see Knighthood as a reward, and this is unfortunate. A Knighthood is not a reward, but a promise.
Malrik's Famous Alfredo
[01/30/2002] [Malrik] This dish is not for those who are concerned about their weight, as it is fattening, cholesterol-laden and yummy as all get out!
The Stigma of Being Rude
[01/30/2002] [Sir Feral Lynn] I am seriously considering just throwing away this system of instant ass-covering.
I am in Flavor Country Part 1: Role-Playing
[01/23/2002] [Phywren] Roleplaying is the topic of this issue of "I am in Flavor Country." This mini-series of sorts will discuss some of the things that give Amtgard its own unique flavor, whether good or bad.
Uphold the Corpora
[01/22/2002] [Sir Feral Lynn] They all congratulated you and the dream was enhanced. So should it be with all knightings.
Sausage Stew!
[01/22/2002] [Malrik] This recipe will make about one gallon of stew, and should feed 6 people or 3 hungry Amtgardians.
Movie Review: The One
[01/20/2002] [Raeonn Tala] If you see one movie this year, don't see this one. There are only two acceptable reasons to see this movie: It was 75 cents at the cheap theatre and you had absolutely nothing better to do, or your only other option was "Thomas and the Magic Railroad".
Let Them Run
[01/20/2002] [Randall] Power to the People! It's a revolutionary battle cry, a defiant shout against the established order, and the bane of elitists everywhere. It taps into the democratic foundation of our club and feeds the paranoia of Amtgard's autocracy. It's about the little guy and giving him a say. I am the little guy and this is my column.