Your Inner E-Samurai
[06/26/2002] [Randall]E-Samurai is having an impact. We’re still a few dollars short of the orbital mind control lasers, but we’re changing opinions and attitudes throughout Amtgard, one reader at a time. I’ve heard several people changing the way they talk about titles in the last several weeks; no more are they saying “my this”, or “my that” when it comes to the awards they haven’t yet earned. And the article on saying thanks was referenced in an ongoing debate on the Emerald Hills list on what titles and awards mean. I owe all of the writers, forum-posters, and readers of E-Samurai a big thank you for the help and support. Pat yourselves on the back and slouch a bit. We’re making a difference. Amtgard is better because of us. Everyone who plays this game should be able to say that with conviction. We don’t spend a lot of time on introspection in Amtgard, and it’s a shame. So many people spend all their time looking outward for what they can get, or who they can beat, or what award they can earn, when they should all be looking inside themselves – what can they do, who can they help, and how can they improve. So, I’d like everyone to take a moment and be a little introspective. Think about the things you do and the game you play. Your inner e-Samurai better be able to say that he’s making Amtgard a better place. If he can’t, it’s time for you to whip that ninja into shape. And if that’s the case, it’s time for e-Samurai Character Calisthenics. It’s time to get our inner e-ninja in shape. It’s time to ask ourselves what really matters in Amtgard. Hard Work Amtgard didn’t get where it is today by sitting around being lazy. It took the hard work of hundreds of people to make this game the fun foam-bat sport it is today. You can help, too. And while you may feel like your efforts aren’t worth much when compared to the deeds of giants, you’re wrong. Think back to the last feast you worked on, or the last event you attended... sure, there were Autocrats, Regents and Kings running around doing their thing, but it was always the little guy who made you smile. You smiled when someone offered to serve at a feast, or when someone stayed late to clean up, or when someone unexpectedly showed up with their truck to haul tents. You don’t have to move mountains to move hearts. Amtgard works when everyone does their part. Dedication This isn’t about how many years you’ve been in Amtgard. Some people have been in less than six months and are deeply dedicated, while others have been in since 1983 and play out of inertia. No, dedication is about having the willingness to do what’s necessary to make the game better without thought of reward. Dedication is helping without being asked. Too many people say they don’t help out because they’re not in office or they’re not asked. Being king doesn’t make you any more hard-working, and folks only ask for help when work isn't being done. Honor Be excellent to each other. Amtgard is a tight society defined by awards, and that creates a fertile breeding ground for distrust, hurt feelings and misunderstanding. Honorable behavior is essential in this situation. Honor yourself by not asking for titles. Honor others by remembering theirs. Tell your king when someone does something worthy of recognition. And always, always try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. A little understanding goes a long way. This can be hard. Amtgard is sometimes another word for “cynicism”, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Optimistic and good attitudes shine so much brighter when they break through the shell of a curmudgeon. So smile! And never, ever, ever cheat. Fun When you strip away the titles, the BLBOD, the elections and the white belts, Amtgard is about spending our weekends hitting each other with foam bats. And that’s exactly the way it should be. If you’re not having fun, then you’re not making Amtgard better. That’s why it’s so important to make sure everyone else is having a good time. Think twice before yelling at someone for making a mistake, and always try to be a good sport. This doesn’t just mean losing with dignity; this means winning with grace. You might be able to stab the crap out of the single-sword guy with your spear, but that doesn’t mean you should... instead, go grab a sword of your own and go toe-to-toe with him. Apply that philosophy to everything you do in Amtgard and you’ll have fun every time you play. Sure, you might lose. So what? I’ve got around 300+ weeks of Amtgard under my belt. That’s almost 3000 opportunities to lose – not counting ditch battles and tournaments. (I lost, Shanti!) Even if I were a bad-ass, I couldn’t win all of those -- and neither could you. You can try to have fun and lose several hundred times in your Amtgard life, or you can yell and complain and maybe only lose... several hundred times in your Amtgard life. Remember that the next time things don’t go your way in a battlegame. Friendship There’s nothing more fun than having fun with friends... well, that’s not entirely true. It's always more fun to play with Aramithris quotes. But, a big but, you guys be willing to put your butt where your mouth is. I am wearing a double hat here. -Aramithris Other than that, there’s nothing more fun than having fun with friends. Friendship makes our community stronger, and fun makes our friendships stronger. That’s the foundation that all of our hard work, dedication, and honor is built on. That’s why it’s so important for a land to do more things together than just the weekly battlegames. You can do fighter practices, feasts, Arts & Sciences gatherings, parties, barbecues, campouts, and any number of special events. The mere act of attending these helps your land. By the same logic, the mere act of refusing to attend hurts your land. When we have fun together, we make the game more fun for other people. There’s many opportunities to develop friendships in Amtgard, ranging from households to companies to belts. Build on them. By the same token, don’t let yourself be defined by your labels. People change. You can wear yourself out shouting at the storm, or you can enjoy the rain. By now, your inner e-Samurai is probably panting and puffing, what with all the character exercises he’s going through, but that’s okay. He might be confused, but that’s okay, too. The important thing is that he cares, and he’s trying to make a difference. All he needs to do is wake up every day and ask himself a simple question, and have the conviction to give himself a little answer: Is Amtgard better because of me? Yes, it is.
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