The Essential e-Samurai
[09/09/2002] [Randall]The typical e-Samurai likes to swing his round golf-club swords in battlegames or ditches, although he tends to prefer battlegames if given a choice. He really hates Zulu spears, probably because he fights shot in motion and the ultralight Zulus give his foes an unfair advantage. Fighting is his primary motivation in this game, and he hopes to one day win the tournaments at Olympiad. He's aware of Amtgard's politics and thinks the BLBOD is a problem, and he disagrees with what they did to the Wetlands; he would've just ignored them and let them keep their corpora as it is. Nevertheless, he enjoys Clan and would've gone if he were able to. Like many Amtgarders, the e-Samurai thinks often of knighthood and believes he can make it there himself one day. After all, he believes knighthood isn't too hard to earn and thinks knightly people who lack paper qualifications should still get knighted. On the other hand, as far as other knights go, the e-Samurai thinks only a third of 'em are really deserving. And, like every good e-Samurai, he loves reading the interviews online and thinks Kyran is a bad-ass. Sho' nuff.
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