Sir Forest Justicar
[10/21/2002] [Randall]Sir Forest has promised dire consequences for my advocation of war against the criminal Emerald Hills, but little does he know that his talk is nothing compared to the web of spies employed by the e-Samurai. My agents caught him at his finest: betraying everyone who ever trusted him. Listen closely, my friend, and I will tell you a tale of deceit and disloyalty that can only be summed up by the word 'Evergreen'. International fugitive from justice Sir Forest, the heretic knight of the Emerald Hills, was photographed unawares by a brave e-Samurai photographer at the recent World Banner Wars. Forest, a well-known Green Dragon, has sworn to fight on behalf of his kingdom against the rest of Amtgard, but these stunning pictures show the true value he places on loyalty. Sir Forest begins to suspect the truth. | Here we saw Sir Forest wearing Justicar colors and taking orders from someone who resembles Sir Lief, another alleged Green Dragon. (Alas, poor Lief! Will Forest's treachery never stop?) Notice the odd look Forest is giving the photographer. Look at the man in the background; large, smug, waving -- he knows the truth. Look at the man in black to Forest's right. Is that Sir Guy? And if so, why is he there? And if he's there, why does he have his hand in his pants? Perhaps the most dangerous revelation of all, apart from seeing that awful orange sword Forest is wielding, was almost lost but for the luck of our agent. If you look to the left of the picture, you'll see it. A clone of Sir Forest! Evil multiplies, it never rests. Sir Forest realizes he has been caught. | We see our suspicions confirmed here when Sir Forest panicks at the sight of a camera. See him pointing at the Justicar symbol? See him gasping with surprise, shock, and -- dare I say it -- shame at the photographer's discovery? And what is that in the cup? The oddest thing you'll see is the man in the foreground. Judging by the tint and length of his hair, this can be none other than Randall, Forest's declared enemy. Which scares Forest more... discovery that he's a closeted Justicar, or discovery that he is fraternizing with Randall, who he so publically threatened with war? He's afraid, friends. He's afraid the world will see that he's not going to war to save his kingdom, his company, or even to defeat Randall. His true motivates are much darker and more mysterious, and we'll all become pawns in his game if we're not cautious. In the end, perhaps Sir Forest is misnamed. When his true colors are shown to the world, perhaps he should be Sir Forest Rarelygreen, or -- even worse -- Sir Forest Justicar, not green at all. Just very, very evil.
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