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'Rakis Problems Settled
[06/30/2003] [News]

The letter from His Imperial Majesty Sir Michael Hammer of God reads as follows:

My fellow IMers,

I have a few comments on the punishments resulting from the events at Rakis 2003. Attached is a copy of the IM Bylaws which were passed by the Allthing almost ten years ago in response to Nevron of the Emerald Hills kicking Lief. According to these bylaws the penalty enacted by former Emperor Lief on Zumat is exactly in line with the mundane violation he made. It was always my intention to support any and all punishments that Lief laid down. As such, Zumat's punishment stands. After I stepped up as Emperor, Brennen committed the mundane violation of burning a video tape belonging to Sir Chiz. As Emperor, with the agreement of Prime Minister Sir Cedric and GMR Quintus, I am forced to punish Brennen according to the by-laws. The bylaws call for a sanction of 2 to 6 months. Brennen himself volunteered to serve the same four months that Zumat was given. I had no inclination to sanction him for longer so he is suspended from all Amtgard Battle games, ditch battles and quests and all other participation in the fighting element of Amtgard within the Iron Mountains for a period of 16 weeks. Brennen was also asked to drop his titles of nobility and knighthood for a period of six months, also as per the by-laws. He agreed. In a separate e-mail the minutes of the circle of knights will offer more details on the dropping of belts that happened at Rakis 2003.

In Service,
Emperor Michael Hammer of God

The relevant portion of the Iron Mountains bylaws that His Majesty refers to is this section:

of the

In the event that an individual should be caught and/or proven guilty of any of the following acts:

Assault with a deadly weapon (gun, knife, sword, etc.),
Possession or trafficking of narcotics,
Serving alcohol to a minor,
Or any other mundanely felony-equivalent offense,

on the premises of any Amtgard function, the individual shall be

Banned from all Amtgard battlegame, tourney and quest participation for a minimum duration of 1 (one) year, to permanently (subject to Monarch's discretion and Allthing vote),
Immediately requested to leave the site of the Event,
Stripped immediately of all titles of Nobility and Knighthood belts, permanently,
Subject to an immediate call to the mundane law enforcement officials (police or sheriff).

In the event that an individual should be caught, and/or proven guilty of any of the following acts:

Assault with a non-deadly weapon (fist, stick, flagrant abuse of an Amtgard Weapon),
Petty theft,
Willful destruction of property,
or any other mundanely misdemeanor-equivalent offense,

on the premises on any Amtgard function, the individual shall be

Banned from all Amtgard battlegame, tourney and quest participation for a period of 2 (two) to 6 (six) months, subject to the discretion of the Monarch,
Requested to drop any title of Nobility or Knighthood belt for a period of no less that 6 (six) months,
Subject to an immediate call to the mundane law enforcement officials (police or sheriff).

Any person banned from Amtgard participation may petition to be reinstated. A Petition signed by at least 20% of active populace, of the Empire, will be enough to have a vote called at Allthing to decide whether or not to reinstate participation privileges for that individual. A majority of at least two-thirds is necessary for reinstatement.

The recognized official Peacekeepers of the Empire of the Iron Mountains consist of: all Knights, the Champion, the Consort Defender, the Captain of the Royal Guard, and any subordinates thereof. These individuals are to be treated accordingly; these individuals are likewise expected to bear themselves in a fashion appropriate to this station.
Finally, the Iron Mountains Circle of Knights have published their minutes regarding the dropping of belts that took place at 'Rakis.

Minutes of the Circle of Knights meeting 6-28-03

First we elected a new GM of Knights by secret Ballot. Sir Guy Kasama was elected.

The main thrust of the meeting was to speak about the dropping of belts and about whether they can be dropped, suspended or what.

We agreed that neither the circle nor the monarch, even in concert with other officers, has the right to remove or suspend any Amtgard award or title, including knighthood except as noted in the Bylaws (attached). We also agreed that individuals have to right to forfeit their own awards and honors at will.

On that basis, we discussed the issues at hand with the three people who had dropped their belts at Rakis and came up with the following three resolutions.

1. Dame Roo explained that she had dropped her belt in defense of her husband Brennen while under the impression that Sir Thor’s joke in front of court had been a carefully stage managed effort rather than an off-the-cuff poor taste jest. At the urging of the Circle and the Monarch, Dame Roo took her belt back up forthwith.
2. Axgar explained that he was deeply upset about the lack of prompt and through punishment of Zumat and stated that Amtgard Knighthood had nothing to offer him. He explained that Amtgard Knighthood detracted from his enjoyment of the game and that it was no longer something he could participate in. He also said that he expected he would never want to participate again. When asked if there was any chance whatsoever that he might want to be a knight again in the future, he could not absolutely rule it out. In the remote possibility that he might want to resume his knights belt, he agreed to speak to the Guildmaster of Knights and the monarch at the time and that the Circle could choose to agree to allow him to resume his belt.
3. Brennen repeated some of what Axgar had said but also acknowledged that his actions in destroying the videotape of Rakis Court, which belonged to Sir Chiz, were not only illegal but also unbecoming of a Knight of the Iron Mountains. When asked if he might ever want to be a knight again, he was unable to answer decisively. He was clearly divided on the issue. He also agreed to the sanction of the kingdom as laid down in the Bylaws. Thus, Brennen has dropped his knight’s belt for six months as suggested by the bylaws. It was agreed that GMK Sir Guy will speak to Brennen at the end of six months (which should be just before Sir Guys term as GMK ends) and at that time they would decide if Brennen was ready to be a knight again.

After this discussion Axgar, Brennen and Dame Roo, excused themselves and we did a little more business.

It was agreed that Syko’s belt was both given by the Celestial Kingdom and returned in anger to them. All this happened in another kingdom and long ago. On that basis we agreed that Syko might earn an Iron Mountains belt but that he would have to approach it as any other non-knight from another kingdom would have to.

Sir Wolfram made it clear that in his mind Iron Mountains Knighthood is not light or trifling and that as such the dropping of belts should be deeply discouraged by all reasonable means.

Several individuals wanted to see the corpora changed to allow the punishment of habitual offenders, to determine what the consequences of belt dropping might be, or to grant powers to suspend or no suspend belts. It was agreed that these actions are not the purview of the circle of knights and that the Allthing should properly address them.

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