E-Samurai Moving
[06/28/2005] [Randall]Well, the company I work for let me go, my department's being downsized, I'm part of an outplacement, they're going in a different direction, they're not picking up my option. . . in short, I ain't working for them anymore. This has immediate ramifications for me that I won't go into here, but it also impacts this website. You see, the Electric Samurai has happily lived on my workstation for several years. It ran on YaBB at first until I upgraded it to phpBB, which meant having to wedge several things together on this Win2k box to make it work. A port of MySQL, php for Windows and so on are all making this piece of Amtgardia function on a day-to-day basis. While my company is happy to leave my internet service intact as a thank you for my six and a half years with them, it's not likely that I can move the dragonspine.net website and e-Samurai to any of their other servers and make it work. The tools just aren't there. What does this mean for e-Samurai? You can bet your last dollar this website isn't going away. Clearly, I have greater priorities than this site in the next few weeks, but I am planning to move it to another host. My workstation will remain intact as I pull files off it, and I'm looking for other hosting options for e-Samurai already. Best case scenario includes less than twenty-four hours of downtime whenever I make the move. Worst case might include using a different system to run the forums. In any case, we'll still be here. It's just one more thing to adapt to as I move on. This coming move has given me pause to take stock of the e-Samurai situation. By any measure, this experiment in Amtgard communication is a success and I am proud of the time all the writers, moderators, and you - the user - put into making this website what it is. Times might have been sluggish lately, but a lot of that is really my fault as I've hit a period of burnout on this thing. There's a dozen submitted articles in my inbox since February waiting for me to edit, review and post. Maybe tossing e-Samurai into the life boat as I abandon ship here will give me the drive to post them. Some of 'em are good. Very good. Some of 'em aren't even plagiarised. Stay tuned. So thank you for the last few years, and thanks for sticking around. If this goes smoothly, there'll be years of e-Samurai ahead of us.
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