I would like to publicly address the issue of Corsair Zig being at Banner Wars when he was banned from Amtgard parks and Tanglewood Forest until the end of my reign. Additionally, he was informed that he cannot drink at the next three Tanglewood Forest events he attends after my reign. Zig knew his punishment and chose to act against the decision laid down by the Monarch. Zig walked to Tanglewood, snuck in, and hid from the Corsairs until late in the evening (or morning, which ever you prefer). Due to the Ego and Snake Eyes incident Forest and I decided to handle Zig's appearance at a more appropriate time. I have decided to issue a Warrant of Trespass against him at Tanglewood Forest and he will not be legally allowed to return to Tanglewood Forest until the warrant is revoked by the BOD. There was no excuse for him to be at Banner Wars. To address the rumors on e-sam, Zig was not and has never been banned for rape. He was banned for multiple acts of aggression and physical contact, NOT rape. Regards, Queen Reine Von Doom EH Monarch The Saturday night issue at Banner Wars was between two individuals, Ego and Snake Eyes, and was not condoned or supported by the Emerald Hills or the Corsairs. The Corsairs, as autocrats, became involved afterwards in an effort to curtail further violence. Snake Eyes refused that the police be called three times and in Amtgard we try to make calling the authorities an absolute last resort. However, due to the escalation of this issue I have decided to submit an item for an emergency Allthing to change the Corpora in regards to Tanglewood making it a "no tolerance camp ground" and the authorities will be called in the event of a physical altercation, no questions asked. The Emerald Hills as a Kingdom, and the Corsairs as a company, do not endorse mundane violence of any sort and I will be taking all necessary and appropriate actions once all the information is available and any mundane legal issues have been resolved. Allthing item wording and placement in corpora will be submitted by Friday Oct 20th and the Emergency Allthing will be called and held at Midnight Sun on Oct 28th. Regards, Queen Reine Von Doom EH Monarch |